modal adjective mod·al \'mō-dəl\

  1. of or relating to modality in logic
  2. containing provisions as to the mode of procedure or the manner of taking effect —used of a contract or legacy
  3. of or relating to a musical mode
  4. of or relating to structure as opposed to substance
  5. of, relating to, or constituting a grammatical form or category characteristically indicating predication
  6. of or relating to a statistical mode
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François Paquette Pocketware Studios inc.

Pocketware Studios inc.


What I do

I'm old now so I got tons of experiences in many many fields.

Though this chart is just for fun, you can use it to consider how your idea might overlap with mine.

Unreal 5 game dev - C++ & Blueprint
Sveltekit w/ Typescript
Cloudflare, AWS, GCP - Devops
Blender 3D
Guitar, drums, saxophone and pushing some notes...
Home improvement
UI / UX design


Pocketware Studios inc. Software development

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